Wednesday, 31 December 2014

财务规划 - Financial Planning


每个人对于财务规划持有不同的观点,但是大家都有同一个目的 - 财务自由
最近大家都对 CASHFLOW 这个游戏很熟悉。这个游戏以不是什么新鲜游戏,只是在我国还没有很广为人知。不过它的确会让玩家更加深入的了解财务规划及“非工资收入” 的重要性!当非工资收入高于支出时,那恭喜你!你财务自由了!

财务自由的定义是一个“自定义”模式。有些人只需要 5,000 就财务自由,而有些人需要 20,000 。这差异就在于你如何定位你自己的生活。

达到财务自由不外于取决于三个条件:零负债(Debt Free) 财富累积 (Capital Gain) 以及累积非工资收入(Increase Passive Income)

这一切和财务管理息息相关也就是我们所谓的理财。如果理财只限于如何赚取更高的收入及增加银行的储蓄而已,那只会把你带入一个退而不休的状态。因为钱是会花完的,这就是现今社会里,很多乐龄人士在退休后三年又重返职场!说白了,谁不想安安稳稳退休无忧只是现实是残酷的!我们的公积金以及累积的财富是不足以让我们安享晚年(20年)!(通膨是主要原因之一,4% 左右 - 书面统计)


CASHFLOW的游戏里也会让你体会到 CASH(现金)的重要性!如果你没有现金,即使有再好的机遇 (Opportunity)你也没有办法把它抓住(有没有看透还是其次)。相对的,你有很多现金但是总是投资错误又或者原地踏步、裹足不前,即使有很好的机遇也不懂得把握,那你离财务自由还有一大步!


钱赚人 - 雇主支付你薪金,而你付出了你的时间、精神、精力以及知识来帮他赚钱。
人赚钱 - 你拥有自己的事业,而你支付金钱来让员工们为你赚钱。
钱赚钱 - 你投资得当(合法的),让复利(Compounded Return) 及 资本成长(Capital Gain)来增加你的财富。

这是在CASHFLOW里面最重要的一环,也是最艰难的一环。你可以通过生意系统化、投资生意、投资股票营收股息、发展营销事业等等。不难发现,都与投资有关。你必须投资你的时间、精神、智慧及经验。所以我再次想强调“时间”!时间是一去不复返的,就像人生没有TAKE TWO 一样 。(<<<< 废话,哈哈)


缺乏理财的知识,的确会让你得不偿失。因为不是每个人都有良好的家庭背景就像 Bill Gates 所说的 :“ If you are born poor its not your mistake, But if you die poor its your mistake”。我个人相当认同他的看法。因为无论你的家庭背景如何,有些东西是你和我都共同拥有,而且是同等的-那就是“时间”及“知识”。





Wechat ID: zkcheah

Wednesday, 24 December 2014


“君子爱财,取之有道” 这是一个很重要的道理。要走的长、走得久,靠的是信誉!

今天,在一个偶然的机会我遇到了“有缘人”向我分享一段“天下真的有白吃的午餐”的投资策略。所谓的“盘”其实也是大家熟悉不过的“老鼠会”。还竟然坦荡荡的告诉我是和 M F*** 一样, 只是不同的“盘”而已。而这些“盘”是会爆的,所以要快。每个“盘”爆的时间不一样,不过大概是有两年的时间,只要你在要爆之前换“盘”那就可以了,最重要要快!!前前后后介绍了五个”盘“给我,还怂恿我入会及向我展示了一大堆文凭认证,不过上网查了一下,完全没有这些资料............ @#¥%……&*



殊不知会有多少无知平民百姓,会被这一个个骗局骗尽了一生的血汗钱!顿时感慨,这个社会并不是像我们想象的那么资讯发达!并不是所有的亲戚朋友了解什么是“老鼠会”与正规投资的分别!并不是每个人都知道“天下没有白吃的午餐”这个道理!并不是每个人都了解 君子爱财,取之有道!!




而我一直秉持者 “君子爱财,取之有道”!


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The Rise of the Petrol Price

The increase of the price of petrol has been the topic of every radio station. Everyone is discussion on it and a lot has also given their own opinion on how to cope with this issue such as follow:

  • Start using public transportation
  • Car pool
  • Reduce the usage of petrol by not using the car often (it’s not practically applicable to every individual)
  • Reduce the driving speed (drive at the speed of 20kmph? maintain the speed of driving and try not to accelerate)
  • Cut down on daily expenses 

All the above suggestions are quite decent and I would definitely give them a try if i could. However, by doing so, how long it will last me for? The fluctuation of the price of commodity is not within our control and it is part of the economy cycle. Just like how we could not control the market inflation. With these, only our economy will grow and move our country on step forward to the target of 2020.

Speaking of inflation, our country has an average of 3% inflation (ie. medical expenses inflated 10-15%, daily expenses inflated 6-10% - a rough calculation) over the past 30 years. When there is market inflation, consumers’ purchasing power will drop and below are a few methods people would try to achieve in order to protect themselves against the inflation:

  • Seek for higher pay job (difficulty level - high)
  • Request for increment (even more difficult)
  • Taking up more than 1 job
  • Investment (grow your dollar - ?? %)

Bank saving (return: not worth mentioning)
With the extremely low interest rate return, your purchasing power will drop even lower when inflation happens as what you earn from saving in the bank could not cover the inflation rate.

Fixed deposit (return: 3-5%)
While it gives the security with very low risk, it offers very poor protection against inflation.
There is no flexibility on accessing your fund.

Investment in shares/bonds/funds (return: 8-12%)
Once you are on the right track of investment, be assured that you’ll be financially secured in the future. The right investment is one that will be able to protect you against inflation by suiting to the market movement. 

For instant, an investment of 30 years with a 7% return can still be considered if the market inflation for the 30 years is less than 7%. In the case where the rate of inflation is more than 7%, the value of your money will remain status quo since the day of your investment - which mean your monies did not grow at all after 30 years.

There are various type of funds in the market, do choose wisely and understand your own need before investing. Points to be taken while making this decisions are the company’s background and its financial performance. Most importantly, do it for long term when you decide to invest in fund.

If you are looking for high return in short term/ long term period, shares might be your game. But in this game, you have to play smart and definitely experience, knowledge & capital play the major part.

So, are you ready to fight against inflation? 

ps: be prepared before things happen is the best way to protect yourself